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Cheryl Hoke

Casting My Net to the World
Fall 2017
mesh fabric, plastic sheeting, vintage camera, FILM cassettes, plastic disc, photographs, matte board, miniature clothespins

72” X 150” 



Photography is a fishing trip; no two trips are ever the same. With film photography, it is difficult to make two prints that are exactly the same due to burning and dodging the print. It is equally as hard for a person that is fishing to catch the same amount of fish on every trip. When passion runs deep within one’s soul, it is easier to keep trying to accomplish the goal.

Reality is a form of information. Information is a form of meaning that can be shown through symbolism. The symbolism in this net, represent the people who have influenced me to chase my dream of being a professional photographer through higher education. They have inspired me to cast my net to the world, fishing for what I can accomplish with my passion for photography.

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